Sunday, December 13, 2009

Christmas at the Brown House

So it's Christmas time at the Brown House! Of course, Hank is confused as to why it isn't snowing yet. Because in his mind, Christmas=winter=snow. He keeps asking if it will be snowing in Phoenix when we go to Nana and Papa's for Christmas. It's hard to explain to a 3 year old why it won't be snowing in Phoenix....

Anyway, we did actually wake up one morning with a skiff of snow on the ground. And when Hank ran to look out the winter, he declared, "Now its wintertime!" The world is very black and white to a 3 year old.

So as we got ready for the Christmas season, it was like being a kid again. Christmas is so much more fun now that there are kids to celebrate it! Hank is very excited about Santa and he keeps telling me that its very important to be good so Santa will come. This is a great parenting tool! I'm just concerned what we'll do when Christmas is over.

So we put up an advent calendar, which is great because Hank is learning all his numbers and the calendar. Martha spoke to me and I made it myself by putting little toys and candies into gift card boxes, hot gluing them to clothespins and then writing the day of the month on the gift tag and clipping them onto a ribbon suspended from a Santa hat. That way Hank knows how many days until Christmas.

We also put up the tree, which Hank helped me decorate. I decided to play it safe and put the tree up on a table out of Merli reach. The decorating was a little harrowing since we have terrazzo floors (the hardest material known to mankind) and so everytime Hank dropped an ornament, it shattered into a million pieces. After losing 4 ornaments, we padded the floor with a blanket until decorating was complete. So tree complete, I made a few wreaths for above the fire place, the front door, and the window over the kitchen sink. But, I digress. This isn't a decorating blog, but a Hank and Merli blog.

Then Hank and I made Christmas cookies and decorated them with icing and sprinkles. Hank was good at putting on the sprinkles. He was also good at eating the cookies....

Merli is all over the place now. Crawling, pulling up, and getting mad when we take dangerous things away from her. She also just entered the stage where she puts absolutely everything she finds into her mouth. Let the fun begin.....

I'll be updating the blog on Friday, after Hank's Christmas program at school. Should be good. I think they're singing some songs. I'll get video. And then after that, it's off to Nana and Papa's for Christmas! Can't wait to see all the family!