One of the nice things about Oregon is the temperate climate. We usually max out around 80 in the summer, but mostly sit in the mid 70s with no humidity. It's really, really nice and makes up for the lousy winters. However, today it hit 97 and since almost nobody in Oregon has air conditioning, it's pretty miserable. My friend, Kelly, invited Hank and I out to her place today to play in the kiddie pool with her son, Matteo. I wish I could post all kinds of fun pics of Hank and Matteo splashing around in the pool, however, I forgot my camera. So instead I'll just post some pictures of Hank when we got back to the house. We're scheduled to go out again next Tuesday, so I promise I'll remember the camera next week. (I know, I know, a Hank blog doesn't do much good if I don't remember the camera....we're back where we started with no pics....)
So in the evening, Jason does push-ups. Hank also does push-ups, but needs to work on his form a little. Sometimes he gets tired and just rolls over. We need to work on that. Here's Hank doing push ups with Daddy.
After push-ups, Hank has dinner. Here's his dinner for tonight- dino bites and zuchini. My father taught me that presentation is everything.

And after dinner, we clean up. Hank is very good at loading and unloading the dishwasher. We believe in child labor around our house. You should see him work the dustbuster. He's amazing. I'll get that on video next time we clean the house....which could be days or even weeks from now...
So I'm getting pretty good at this if I do say so myself. Pictures AND video. My mother must be absolutely out of her mind right now with so much Hank overload!!!!